How To Use Mistakes For Your Success?

How To Use Mistakes For Your Success

“Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.” – Oscar Wilde

“Mistakes are the portals of discovery.” – James Joyce

“It’s fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.” – Bill Gates

“Your mistake does not define who you are… you are your possibilities.” – Oprah Winfrey

These are just some of the quotes from successful people on how we can use our mistakes as a chance to change and become better, in this blog we will show you that mistakes can actually have the potential for growth.

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    It is impossible to live life completely without mistakes. There is a consensus that you need to experience your fair share of mistakes, because there is no development or growth without learning from the experience that often involves making mistakes. Learning from experience can only happen if a person wants to learn from it, but it takes a lot of time and sometimes the consequences of mistakes cannot be corrected easily.

    It is important to honestly admit your mistakes and not to deny or hide them. Admitting your mistakes helps you control the situation and solve it, as well as act differently when you are faced with a similar situation. Hiding mistakes can draw a person into a quick-sand of denial, from which it may be difficult to get out of.

     Sometimes making a mistake, whether small or big, can change your life unexpectedly, if you choose to learn from it and see the good in a situation. Not all mistakes we make come to disrupt our lives, sometimes they can clear a new path for growth and success. Because when a person has settled into a false happiness and comfort zone, doing only the easy things on a daily basis that are supposed to be done when in reality – the person is on autopilot.

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    When failure is a success

    In work and in life you can learn in 2 ways: in the simple or in the complex way. The easy way is to learn from other people’s mistakes, the difficult way is to learn from your own mistakes. But there is also a 3rd way – not to learn at all.

    However, we learn more from failures, which are often based on our own mistakes. Sometimes you have to fail hard for something to change for the better. It’s obvious that you can’t learn much from success, that would be too easy. Mistakes keep us grounded. Mistakes upset us and make us understand that we need to regain focus and change our approach. At this point, it is extremely important to realize and even write down: “What I tried to do DOESN’T WORK” and move on.

    Every time you see someone do something perfectly, it’s because this person has done it imperfectly or failed hundreds of times before. Many people underestimate the results of their actions or mistakes made – their Ego is so big that they consider themselves the smartest, despite the fact that they themselves can fail at something simple. But it would be better if we would embrace the mistake and move on – if people thought more about the future than the result of the mistake they just made. Nor would it be a bad thing if people took the time to analyze their past mistakes – what has led them to where they are now? Because the present is the result of past actions and the choices we have made.

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    What does a successful person do differently?

    Successful people in their work are constantly learning and constantly testing – experimenting, trying to improve the existing system or to resolve a new challenge. And they constantly analyze their work approach. It is very important to know what is working and what is not working in your life or workplace. What actions do NOT lead you to the desired result? You have to identify those habits of yours that have led you to systems that DO NOT result in growth and success. You have to find a reason WHY you do what you shouldn’t, despite  your knowledge? If only you could change this one approach or a habit, it could improve the quality of your life.

    Identifying a problem and being aware of it does not solve the problem. Action solves it. No one ever said that the path to results should only be enjoyable. On the contrary, we do what we don’t like in order to enjoy the results. For example, not all people like to exercise and do sports. Get up early in the morning, go for a run. Most people are too lazy to exercise because they want to sleep longer or just do something else that is immediately enjoyable. But people exercise because it makes them feel good AFTER. Without talking about chemical processes or endorphin spike, it’s just nice to be in shape – to look and feel good.

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    How to deal with mistakes quickly and painlessly?

    Deeply rooted in modern society is the myth that making mistakes is a humiliation that should be avoided as much as possible. We fear that mistakes reveal our weaknesses or make us failures. But it is not so. Making mistakes is completely normal and, we must add, inevitable when building your own business for example. You just have to change your attitude to mistakes.

    Most entrepreneurs you meet will state that mistakes make you better and are a regular occurrence in business. The most important thing is to understand that, instead of focusing on the mistake made, the focus should be on how you react in the given situation and what will you do to solve it.

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    Your work must be your passion

    To become a successful person, you need to become really good at your job. On the other hand, to become really good in a specialty, in a certain industry, you need your work to be your passion. This passion will give you the strength and energy to be disciplined and regardless of what you have chosen to do, you will be able to create a new definition, a new way to do it better, to surpass others.

    It often happens that a person knows what their passion is, but fear blocks them. Many people are so afraid of failure that they don’t even try. They are often so scared of making mistakes that they can’t use the unique skills they have. But mistakes are stepping stones that lead us ahead, no one can win without losing at times.

    There is one more condition that must be fulfilled in order for you to become successful: you must clearly know what you want. This is why you need to know, because only then you will be able to take the risk at the right moment. And taking risks is an important prerequisite for you to become successful in your career and also in life.

    Source: Pexels

    4 step guide to deal with mistakes

    This four-step plan offers a way to assess mistakes and move forward:

    Step 1: Admit your mistakes

    However strong the temptation, resist the urge to ignore your mistakes and pretend they never happened. Admitting mistakes and taking responsibility is the only way to learn from them so they don’t happen again. Sometimes it’s just enough to say, “I screwed up, but let’s see how we can fix it.”

    Example: “We launched a new footwear collection that failed and the company suffered a loss.”

    Step 2: Be honest

    Being honest with your team and partners and telling them what really happened is an essential step that will help mitigate the negative consequences of bad decisions. Make sure everyone is on the same page and, if possible, let others lend a helping hand. 

    Example: “We have a warehouse full of goods that were not sold. Now we have to figure out how to get rid of the stock to avoid further losses.”

    Step 3: Assess what went wrong

    Think about what went wrong and what actions led to the mistakes you made. This will help you get a better idea of what happened. Avoid pointing fingers and looking for someone to blame – it will not help anyone. Remember that it is more important to solve the problem than to find the culprit.

    Example: “We thought we knew what people wanted. We were wrong. The product design was too bold for the average buyer and we cannot find a market for our product right now.”

    Step 4: Correct the mistake or draw conclusions

    Develop an action plan that will help prevent the consequences of your mistake then implement it. Record what you’ve learned from this situation so you don’t make the same mistakes next time. Regardless of whether the mistake can be corrected or not, go ahead – start a new task, a new project or a new business.

    Example: “We will try to solve this situation – we will offer people to receive the product for free if they agree to cover the shipping costs. In the future, we will do more market research and get customer feedback before offering challenging designs.”

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    To sum up

    We all make mistakes, including celebrities, famous and successful business people, and yes, also your boss. What matters is what we learn from our mistakes. Can you learn to live without making mistakes? Mistakes are like a challenge to find a new solution. We must understand and realize that mistakes are opportunities to learn. Each of us must learn the courage to admit that we are not perfect. It is proven that praise for effort is more important than praise for perfect results. Children, and adults alike, who are praised only for correct results lose their confidence and see a mistake as a huge failure.

    We can recommend introducing the habit of celebrating your mistakes in your everyday life in order to accustom your mind to the fact that mistakes are a normal part of the process. A mistake is feedback and tells about what needs to be improved, where there was a mistake, a shortcoming. The faster you make a mistake, the faster you’ll have information about what works or what doesn’t work, how to achieve the goal to move forward.


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    Yes, absolutely! Making mistakes is a natural part of learning and growth. Everyone makes mistakes, and it's important to view them as opportunities for improvement.

    While it's impossible to completely avoid mistakes, you can reduce their frequency by being mindful, planning carefully, and learning from your past experiences.

    Reflect on what went wrong, identify the root causes, and consider alternative approaches. This will help you avoid similar mistakes in the future.

    Use mistakes as a chance to develop new skills, improve your problem-solving abilities, and build resilience.

    Overcoming challenges and learning from mistakes can help you develop valuable skills like perseverance, adaptability, and critical thinking.

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